List of Signing Statements
issued by
President Biden

Affected Law
Text of Signing Statement
(from the CPD)
2021-01 H.R. 5305, Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act
(P.L. 117-43)
2021 DCPD 00791
2021-02 S. 1917, the K-12 Cybersecurity Act
(P.L. 117-47)
2021 DCPD 00837
2021-03 S. 1605, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
(P.L. 117-81)
2021 DCPD 01090
2021-04 S. 1828, the Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks (HAVANA) Act
(P.L. 117-46)
2021 DCPD 00824
2022-01 S. 400, the William T. Coleman, Jr. and Norman Y. Mineta Department of Transportation Headquarters Act
(P.L. 117-117)
2022 DCPD 00361
2022-02 HR 7776, the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023
(P.L. 117-263)
2022 DCPD 1143
2023-01 S. 619, the COVID-⁠19 Origin Act of 2023
(P.L. 118-2)
2023 DCPD 0208
2023-02 H.R. 4004, the United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade First Agreement Implementation Act
(P.L. 118-13)
2023 DCPD 0676
2023-03 H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
(P.L. 118-31)
2023 DCPD 1145
2024-01 HR 2882, the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024
(P.L. 18-47)
(enrolled text)
2024 DCPD 00226