FAQS About Signing Statements

click a question to see the answer

What are presidential signing statements? expand

Where can I find presidential signing statements? expand

Where can I find signing statements issued before 2001?

How many signing statements has President Biden issued?

From his inauguration through January 20, 2025, President Biden issued 15 signing statements relating to 15 Congressional enactments. Eight of these signing statements were rhetorical and raised no constitutional objections or interpretations. Seven signing statements either asserted presidential authority or raised constitution issues relating to 78 specified provisions of law and made seven mentions of unspecified provisions, for a total of 85 objections.

For detailed information about how I arrived at this count, please consult this chart.

For information about counting methods for signing statements, please see the FAQ below ("How many signing statements did George W. Bush issue?").


How many signing statements has Trump issued?

How many signing statements did President Obama issue?

How many signing statements did George W. Bush issue?

But I heard that Bush issued 750 (or 1200) signing statements...

Why was the number of Bush's signing statements controversial?

Did George W. Bush issue more signing statements than all previous presidents combined? expand collapse

Who drafted signing statements for President Bush? expand collapse

Why was Bush's use of signing statement controversial? expand collapse

What can Congress do? expand collapse

How did Congress respond to Bush's signing statements? expand collapse

How has Congress responded to Obama's signing statements? expand collapse

Where is the Bush signing statement concerning torture?

Where is the Bush signing statement for the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act? expand collapse

Where is the Bush signing statement for the Military Commissions Act of 2006? expand collapse