Text of the Signing Statement from the White House website
Statement by the President
LAW & JUSTICE -- Issued on: January 9, 2019
Today, I have signed into law S. 1862, the “Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act” (the “Act”). Several provisions of the Act, including sections 6, 7, and 8, purport to dictate the position of the United States in foreign affairs and to direct certain diplomatic actions. My Administration will treat these provisions consistent with the President’s exclusive constitutional authority as the sole representative of the United States in foreign affairs.
Sources for the Signing Statement
Text of the Affected Law
S. 1862, the Trafficking Victims Protection
Reauthorization Act, has been
designated as
Public Law 115-427.
The text of S. 1862 from the Government Printing Office (GPO) is
available as follows:
1. PDF
downloaded from the GPO
PDF on the GPO website
Plain text from the GPO
4. Enrolled text from the GPO